5178 Japatul Spur Alpine, CA 91901 | (619) 320-4942|info@childrensnatureretreat.org
6 12, 2017

Part of the Herd

2018-01-10T14:42:29-08:00December 6th, 2017|At the Retreat|

Shasha and Tinkerbell Are Part of the Herd Yippee, our new Haflinger horses (brown with cream manes) are now part of the herd! After 3 weeks of being in the next pasture, eyeing our established herd of horses and mules - the 2 new Haflinger horses made [...]

1 12, 2017

Easter the Rabbit

2017-12-18T02:25:33-08:00December 1st, 2017|At the Retreat|

Easter the Rabbit Easter the rabbit has finally recovered from his infection.  Yay, he’s fat and happy again! The cutie made two trips to the veterinarian. He was on antibiotics to fight an upper respiratory infection. Here he is relaxing in his temporary bed.  Soon [...]

15 11, 2017

Thunder Update

2017-12-18T02:30:02-08:00November 15th, 2017|At the Retreat|

Thunder Update Thunder Update: The current regiment for Thunder isn’t working.  So, back to the vet, he goes.The vet decided to add a serum.  Easter, one of our other rabbits was at the vet as well, turns out it was really a good thing.  The vet took blood from [...]

8 11, 2017

Thunder Goes to the Vet

2017-12-18T00:10:59-08:00November 8th, 2017|At the Retreat|

Little Thunder Goes to the Vet Little Thunder, one of our rabbits had a rough time with his left eye.  He must have poked it with a piece of hay and it created an ulcer in his eye.You know what that means – off to the vet you go little guy!He [...]

6 11, 2017

Anna Maria Is Back

2017-12-18T02:28:45-08:00November 6th, 2017|At the Retreat|

Anna Maria Is Back in the Pasture Anna Maria, one of our Friesian horses heads to the vet again. Good news for Anna Maria! She’s finally fully recovered from her dental surgery and can head back out to the pasture. She’s been through quite the ordeal. It has taken five months [...]

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