Adopt an Animal Today!
Have you visited the Retreat already? Have you seen our animals on social media? Did you fall in love with any of them?
If the answer is yes, you can NOW symbolically adopts any of our animals at the different levels specified below. A symbolic animal adoption is a unique way to help the animals you love. Starting at $50 you can help Children’s Nature Retreat give each animal the specialized care they need. Choose from one of five levels of support and get the inside scoop on your animal’s personality, favorite treats, and more! When you adopt an animal, you are helping care for that individual and all the other animals at the Retreat. Adoptions are valid for one year. Animal adoptions are perfect gifts for friends, family and any other animal lover.
A “Parent” Event is done once a year, often in the summer.
As an adoptive parent you will receive an invite
when the event is approaching.
Looking to contribute at a higher level?
If you would like to adopt an animal for more than $1000, please contact the ADOPT Adviser at 619-320-4942 or [email protected] for an adoption package tailored especially for you.