Happy Roosters!
We built 3 new red wagons to rent the other day, seems the bantam roosters thought they were especially for them! We call them Tico, Taco, YaYa, and Ya! Can you find the rooster in the bucket?
We built 3 new red wagons to rent the other day, seems the bantam roosters thought they were especially for them! We call them Tico, Taco, YaYa, and Ya! Can you find the rooster in the bucket?
We are super excited to have found these balls for our animals to play with!
Today the big horses in Pasture 1 got a new toy, a ball! At first they weren't sure what to make of it, well actually they still aren't sure what to do with it, but we are hoping they catch on soon, and play ball!
We have seen some colder temperatures and rain out here lately, but today, the Watusi family and Zebra pals are taking advantage of the sunny spots!
Our lovely lady cows in Pasture 2, Buttercup, Lily, and Tulip are stopping by for their water break!
Bambi, one our dwarf goats, loves to sit in the feed bowl for a sun bath and/or nap!
There was a chill in the air this morning, frost covering our lovely Retreat!
Our Animal Keepers, Bailey and Valerie, kept Biscuit and Pickles warm today (for a short while) in their jackets....too cute!
We appreciate our Guests coming out to help us celebrate our First Anniversary! The buckets of Fodder are ready to be feed out to our animal friends!
The Barnyard received new friends last weekend, two adorable lady guinea pigs, Biscuit & Pickles. (Biscuit is the one poking her head out of her house).